Desde el Grupo British del IES Gregorio Prieto, ayer celebramos Saint George’s day y el World Book Day. Para ello realizamos una actividad interdisciplinar con la que mostramos nuestro trabajo como equipo, en consonancia con el Currículo Integrado que desarrollamos como centro adscrito al Proyecto British Council – Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.

No ha sido esta actividad la única llevada a cabo sobre la temática del día 23 de Abril. Otro grupo de 2º BTO, tomando la cita de David Almond “Books. They are lined up on shelves or stacked on a table. There they are wrapped up in there jackets, lines of neat print on nicely bound pages. They look like such orderly, static things. Then you, the reader come along. You open the book jacket, and it can be like opening the gates to an unknown city, or opening the lid of a treasure chest. You read the first word and you’re off on a journey of exploration and discovery» han trabajado sobre obra Skellig. Una vez leída, han realizando este mural.

Otro grupo comparte aquí hoy en esta entrada lo realizado en el día de ayer junto a Laura Arnaud, nuestra Auxiliar Lingüística: This morning, to celebrate World Book Day, we had a more relaxed style of lesson. Instead of everyone learning about the same book, we all had the opportunity to bring in a book that is significant to us. We presented our books to each other and explained why we had selected this specific book, be it for its plot, characters, or illustrations. The range of books stretched from underwater encyclopedias to Tudor fiction, and at the end of the class, the students walked around the classroom to find out a bit more about their classmates favourite books, and potentially pick up some reading inspiration too.( 2B1 Students).